Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法

作者:未知 來源:手衝咖啡: 咖啡知識 > 咖啡技術 > 2024-10-23 07:39:08

Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 一
Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 一


Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 二


Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 三
Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 三


Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 四


Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 五


Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 六
Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 六

  拿着拉花缸在臺子上輕敲擊記下使大個的氣泡破掉, 然後在小心的畫圈運動讓裏面的奶泡旋轉起來。奶泡的粘稠度像桶裏的油漆。

Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 七

  To achieve exquisite latte art, begin pouring your milk slowly. Start with a narrow stream to avoid breaking the espresso's crema. Once your drink is about half full, lower your pitcher's spout so that it's almost touching the liquid. This will guarantee strong contrast. Continue pouring.

Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 八
Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 八

  To form a heart, create a white dot with your milk. Once the drink is almost full, raise your pitcher up a few inches from the drink (while still maintaining your gentle pour), and "cut" it down the middle. Serve to your crush, and smile coquettishly.

Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 九
Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 九

  To form a rosetta, create the same white dot by starting your pour close to the espresso’s surface. As you pull away, gently rotate your wrist from side to side. Don’t forget to breathe. You carry all your stress in your rosetta leaves.

Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 十
Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 十

  Continue moving wrist side-to-side while keeping pitcher’s spout close to the surface of the drink.

Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 十一
Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 十一

  Lift your pitcher a few inches and reduce the speed of your pour. The height, along with the thin stream, will allow you to cleanly cut the rosetta down the middle.

Latteart 拿鐵拉花 咖啡拉花方法步驟 十二

  Serve, then exhale and wipe your sweat-drenched brow. To guarantee excellent art, consider practicing this routine 500 times each day for three years.

2015-10-28 15:31:44 責任編輯:未知




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