名稱由來:Lotus SK風味的研發效仿了出淤泥而不染的荷花,這是一種常年生水生植物,有時候會被誤以爲是睡蓮。九十+ Solkiln法加工的瑰夏雖然是將鮮果直接乾燥,類似於傳統的日曬法,但咖啡豆看起來跟水洗法沒有太大區別。Solkiln法通過人爲創造一種可以精細控制溫度、溼度的微環境而消除了在巴拿馬常見的潮溼環境對於咖啡的影響。與此相似地,荷花自身可以通過調節其花瓣的溫度來適應有人類或者其他暖血動物活動的環境。Lotus SK打破了一貫以來效仿埃塞俄比亞水洗或日曬的加工經驗,也打破了人們對於瑰夏基礎風味一貫以來的印象。在取名”Lotus SK”的過程中,我們也受到了一首自英國牛津 “電臺司令”樂隊的叫做 “Lotus Flower”歌曲的影響。這首歌主要表達了人們對於內心釋然、自由、低調生存和熱愛音樂與感官享受的生活態度的追求,正像這款咖啡一樣,希望喝到它的人也能體會這樣一種心境,歌曲的MV呈現出了對於音樂純粹且變化多端的表達方式,有機會的話去看看這個MV吧。
產地 九十+巴拿馬瑰夏莊園
海拔 1250m-1650m
品種 埃塞俄比亞的傳家寶瑰夏原生種
處理方式 Solkiln 蜜處理。經過在SK房屋裏控制溼度延長乾燥時間並把口味濃縮卻保持水洗一般的乾淨。
風味特徵 無花果及蜂蜜的混合香氣,入口有甜瓜、獼猴桃及輕微熱帶水果的層次感豐富的味道。
Lotus Solkiln H2 L95
Our Lotus SK flavor profile emulates the remarkable Lotus flower, an aquatic perennial that is sometimes mistaken for a water lilly. NP Solkiln Gesha can seem “washed” even though it’s dried in cherry. Solkiln technology removes the influence of the humid conditions found in Panama and imposes a closely controlled environment with regulated temperature and moisture. Similarly, the Lotus flower has the ability to adjust the temperature of its blossoms to match the range tolerated by humans and other warm blooded animals. Lotus SK shatters established expectations of the basic gesha profile and emulates the experience of an Ethiopian washed or natural coffee. The Lotus SK naming process was also informed by the song “Lotus Flower” from Radiohead. The song speaks of transcendence, self- effacement and the magic of losing yourself in music and senses; the video shows pure unpredictable expression to music.
Origin: Ninety Plus Panama Gesha Estate
Elevation: 1250m-1650m
Varietal: Ethiopian Heirloom Gesha
Processing: Solkiln H2
Taste Profile Melon, kiwi, fig honey, light tropical fruits, complex